
Address by the Chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

To Parliaments of the World concerning the Military Biological Activities of the United States outside its Territory

Unofficial translation

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation expresses its extreme concern about the growing military biological activities of the United States of America in other countries and reaffirms the position set forth in its address ”To Parliaments of the World concerning the Need to Strengthen the Regime of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction“ of 2 November 2022.

The report on the activities of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) (hereinafter – the Agency) in Ukraine, which was prepared by the United States Department of Defense and published at the request of American non-governmental organization Judicial Watch, has become available to the public.

The information presented in this document complements and clarifies the information obtained by the Parliamentary Commission, which was created by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in March 2022, to investigate the circumstances related to the biological laboratories established by U.S. specialists in the territory of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Commission).

Analysis of the Agency’s report confirms the preliminary conclusions of the Commission's investigation that the program, declared by the U.S. as ”biomedical“, is implemented and funded by the Pentagon, and is of classified and applied military nature.

The U.S. Department of Defense collects especially dangerous pathogenic microorganisms for further research in its specialized research centres, selects genetic material and studies the immune system of the local population in order to determine human body’s response to exposure to various pathogens, which can be potential agents of biological weapons.

The Agency is primarily interested in those pathogens that have natural foci in the countries of particular interest of the United States. The possible use of such pathogens could be disguised as natural outbreaks of infectious diseases.

In assessing the Agency's activities particular concern is raised by the New DTRA Strategy 2022–2027, which explicitly acknowledges the Agency's dual role. It includes not only protection, but also combat support to military units. Moreover, the DTRA's priority is to secure the military superiority of the U.S. armed forces over the potential enemy.

In connection with this Agency’s ”mission“, the Pentagon's true and carefully concealed goals and objectives of collecting and processing information on especially dangerous pathogens within its ”Pathogen Asset Control System“ (PACS), operated in closed mode and exclusively by the U.S. Department of Defense, should be of great concern to the world.

At present, according to rough estimates, there are about 400 dual-use biolaboratories under Washington's control in other countries.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federations calls on the Parliaments of the countries where U.S.-controlled biological laboratories operate to give legal and public evaluation of agreements concluded between their national health services and the U.S. Department of Defense. These agreements are deliberately discriminatory and aim to conceal from citizens the dangerous nature of such research. This is evidenced by a regime of restricted or fully denied access to biological laboratories and works conducted there even for national security services.

Furthermore, the agreements exempt U.S. military specialists from liability for any adverse consequences from their activities in the biolaboratories.

Disregarding the national security interests of other countries, Washington uses diplomatic channels to cover up the true substance of the activities conducted in the laboratories under its control. Selected pathogens, results of their initial study and obtained genetic biomaterials of the local population are sent to the United States under the guise of diplomatic pouches and without inspection of cargo being carried.

The above facts confirm the existence of hidden threats not only for the countries with U.S.-controlled biological laboratories in their territory, but for entire humanity. We call on the parliamentarians of the world to analyse these facts with a view to ensuring biological security and sovereignty, preventing negative consequences for national economies and preserving the lives and health of their citizens.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation states that the Parliaments of the countries of the world can and must demand that the U.S. Congress make public all information about applied military projects implemented by the Pentagon under the guise of ”biomedical“ activities in violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation appeals to Parliaments around the world to request from their national governments information on the presence and nature of the Agency’s activities detrimental to their national sovereignty. This will help reveal the true content of the biomedical projects implemented by the U.S. and prevent hidden military biological threats and catastrophic effects for human life and health.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation reaffirms the commitment of the Russian Federation to the principles of equal and indivisible security and to preventing the development of biological weapons, and its readiness for dialogue and cooperation with parliamentarians of other countries to protect the world and humanity against biological threats.