The Council of the Chamber

Valentina Matvienko Valentina Matvienko
Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Andrey Yatskin Andrey Yatskin
First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council
Yury Vorobyov Yury Vorobyov
Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council
Nikolai Zhuravlev Nikolai Zhuravlev
Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council
Inna Svyatenko Inna Svyatenko
Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Konstantin Kosachev Konstantin Kosachev
Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council
Andrey Klishas Andrey Klishas
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building
Andrei Shevchenko Andrei Shevchenko
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs
Vladimir Bulavin Vladimir Bulavin
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security
Grigory Karasin Grigory Karasin
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs
Anatoly Artamonov Anatoly Artamonov
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget and Financial Markets
Andrey Kutepov Andrey Kutepov
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy
Alexander Dvoinykh Alexander Dvoinykh
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture and Food Policy and Environmental Management
Yelena Perminova Yelena Perminova
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy
Lilia Gumerova Lilia Gumerova
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture
Vyacheslav Timchenko Vyacheslav Timchenko
Chair of the Federation Council Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Parliamentary Governance